Tuesday 22 November 2016

3D printing object generation

This project is based upon the idea of creating more robust designs and using multiple devices in rhino to actually accomplish them. This generation of 9 different designs was based on creating 3D printable models that could become small bottles cups or something of that ilk. I focused a lot on the formal designs that could actually be made out of clay if i ever got to that point with this. However these designs are a lot of playing around with different types of lofting within Rhino and a small amount of the trim tool. Each design although not necessarily completely unique allows me to play with different designs and iterations depend on loft structure and form thta can then be possibly exported and properly made with a 3D printer

ONE(Squished and Angled)



 FOUR(Normal loft)

FIVE(With handles)

SIX(Just a hole)


 EIGHT(Inside piece)

NINE(Tight version)

Final Papercraft Design, Rhino & Illustrator

This is the completed design for a paper craft assignment(See previous blog post). After much trouble shooting with my original designs and have more than enough complications exporting to illustrator i finally managed to create a working set of blocks that can coordinate and create multiple different structures. This was the result of only exporting 9 different shapes into one file and sizing them within illustrator concentrically then proceeding to move them into a different file and adding all of the required tabs and lowering the line opacity for print; to put them together with glue and then printing onto coloured card stock and ignoring design and vinyl coverings.

These where the only designs i used out of the original 23 which simplified the process incredibly as also suggested by my teacher. This process of eventually creating a unique design from scratch has some very different connotations then being directly instructed to do something. in this case i loved the freedom. 

Paper Craft Secodary design

This paper craft project has been incredibly tedious for myself as the programing does not always function quite the same way and with so many objects that have to be the perfect size so that they fit together after going through 3 programs and then fitted back together after printing is complicated. I have done more than a fair share of troubleshooting and problem solving. The largest issue i had with the project was its original size which i have attempted to solve only resulting in 2 or 3 sets of non uniform shapes or different sizes after exporting to illustrator.

This picture illustrates the difference between size and shape than the original designs (View my previous blog post) So eventually i also decided on how to approach this project in its final stages as we where supposed to use vinyl and patterns on our second prototypes i ignored those rules and went directly for coloured paper which allowed me to alter designs and print them as much as i liked rather than trying to re invent them every time something could possibly fail. However this part was after creating the shapes and printing that i realized they where not concentric to each other

Paper Craft first prototypes

These designs are an initial progress towards something a bit more modular, based specifically on a set of childrens toys and modified to fit my own wants as a more advanced builder. Paper craft i have found very unique when actually being able to design on the computer and then exporting to illustrator and then back into 3D outside the virtual space.

In total there are 23 different designs and each has a particular purpose whether holding things together or being supports and just decorative pieces. Each piece is produceed in Rhino and then taken out and folded into shapes. After largely experimenting with these designs i found them way to small to handle with fingers and tape but i managed to put a full set together.