Thursday 17 January 2019

Grasshopper Day 2

An intro into Grasshopper

 So I like it but also its the process of finding each step every time and the right inputs that makes this overly complicated.

I want to know everything, ill write it down but i want to know all the items and all the inputs required for each

Ill teach myself too but its to complex to just fiddle around for hours with no success

Which is exactly what i did no success at doing anything that seemed like a viable next step and it never worked because the inputs where never right.

So i tried to network surface and the inputs are wrong doesn't work 

Okay lets try so other things that might help and everything failed again 

so i watched the 5th video it was good helpful and interesting

But not what i needed because there's no network surface part

But bi arch's and reversing the direction information was cool too

Anyways i think i learn better if there's a lot more of here's the node here's the commands here's how to insert the proper information into the inputs to make the output do what i want

That's my first bit in grasshopper

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