Sunday 4 December 2016

3D Printing Final Object

This project was produced in partner ship with a fellow student at the Alberta College of Art and Design. Caffrey's blog will have a more in depth analysis of his objects for this project most likely, which can be found here.

This project was the process of taking two separate designs and mashing them together much like a few previous assignments that we have done. Where concept generation is the key and then amalgamating them is the final stage in completion. This time we have actually printed them out with a 3D printer and created an object that has to follow rapid prototyping rules and guidelines. The end result is a 3D shape.The expectation was to map out the form, function, 3D print-ability and whether it is self-supporting.


The Two shapes on the right are the original shapes that created our 3D printed model, the combination of both mine and Caffrey's work in our concept generation before this project.


Due to some scheduling conflicts and some difficulties with the printer for previous groups our teacher helped out a lot to get as many people through their projects. The way that we managed to figure out our project had already been completed for us was when we showed up to do a print. The original issues with our designs  was that it was to tall which was simply fixed by concentrically resizing it. the other issue we had was with the printer which our teacher had previously trouble shot. The issue was that once it got to a certain point it would either fair because it stopped extruding or it would melt at the top. The solution was to make two objects and give the material some time to cool because the circumference was so small. The completed project is rough and we ended up with 4 completed ones because we decided we wanted to try printing in clear plastic again. Also we wanted the experience ourselves for the future.

This is the completed design in clear plastic it has some minor deoformaties because there where two pieces as well as they are also very compact while still being hollow.

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