Monday 17 September 2018

Rhino Castle Object Design 210

So I began 210 Object design this week and we are back to making things in rhino. Its been a long time since i used the program so i wanted a bit of a challenge i definitely bit off more than i could chew however i completed a castle which is what the project was about.

I had an initial Attempt at making something which looks like this However it became unwieldy and really hard to get straight lines and proper contact points because it wasn't set up very well. It was also extremely large like the little pad is a large size and you can barely see it

The First three images are of how the structure for the first idea was made up. The rest are my change in approach I made 5x5 Blocks and in doing so just made an entire structure made of blocks based on the Lego and the modular idea which allowed me to basically create anything i wanted with enough time. It looks a little rough on account of how little time i had in comparison to the other piece i worked on. Either way it is a castle completed by single 5x5 blocks which is definitively based off of Minecraft as well and the fourth image is those blocks from Minecraft however i never used more than the squares. However they are behemoths of buildings and files based on that fact.

Controls Used


And Some Construction Lines

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