Monday 29 October 2018

Reverse Engineering Model Part 3

I obviously did a lot of work on this model this time around which has in part to do with the fact that completion was getting extremely close however in the situation of this project the original jewellery piece was supposed to be completed on time for tomorrow and in doing so the completion of this project would come to be.

So understanding that today i started creating the gear system, the clasp, the spring system which had yet to be completed, the minor details that needed to be altered to directly reflect the progress made with the jewellery object

So today i started with inserting the gears into the 3D model which definitively takes time because they have to fit exactly into the hole they occupy while also being properly spaced on the rotating axis.

After completing the first one the second should be a breeze right?

Totally wrong they need to be spaced and allow for the spacers that hold them in the correct space oh and they should fit together properly

So i definitely struggled to get this part done but guess what we also have a completely different gear that we need to make. I had a couple issues with that one based on its size the Boolean union hated it until i found a solution which was to start at 0 but here it is

Its very cute and also has completely different dimensions so i needed to make a different setup which the whole making your own teeth for the gears is quite challenging especially when trying to measure.

So now we had to connect this guy in there

As you can see the amount of line drawing i have to do to actually get it on the right angle and then on top of it rotating the other cogs so that everything meshes with each other was quite a lot of fun.

So now the other object that i worked on was the slider which just got completed on the jewellery object so measurements where taken however its thoroughly installed on the piece so i had to measure calipers in very tiny spots again. I got it to wor but not after revolving something 2x to big multiple times and here that is.

So the other thing i talked about in the last blog post was the fact that i was dealing with my object changing so the model had to change in the program this was the most recent one. This was also an alterion that the back plate was removable

The Button system needed to be changed on account of this. The way that these are designed i cannot heat the springs otherwise they will fail so i have to create a system that allows me to insert the spring system and allow for it to function properly which is definitely the largest challenge

To this design which includes the buttons includes a backing plate for them as well as a tube to fit a spring and all the other mechanical parts that have to go together to creat the pushing action of the button

Now the last thing of the day is the clasp for the top and bottom that also connect the hinge which i can totally show tomorrow.

Either way the box part is extremely simple, however im also creating a system that is based on springiness in a piece of silver now this piece is basically just a line drawing but it is very thin and also quite complex to actually cut out in rhino.

I also had a chance to really consider what i was creating today and employed a bit of a different work flow that was going faster until i had an issue of my object being to unique because its not an already engineered object.

So simple enough right well i thought so until started trying to create the crazy thing
which is basically all just a wiggly line because its bent and not squared off because it can't be.

So im also having fun trying to figure out how to properly cut out the notches in the piece since it isn't a straight line either because why would you make it that way when its more accurate.

Reverse Engineering Part 2

So In tackling the basic pieces for this project well i have to say im pleased at my progress, annoyed at my mistakes and glad im making some parts of this before im actually constructing in real life. I get to see my process that i need for creating in metal and honestly it is probably the most useful tool ever. (In relation to last weeks post the most complicated part about this project is also reverse engineering an object that has yet to be completed because when i change something the model has to change as well so every iteration of a design is different)

For this post i specifically focused on remaking my hinge because it totally changed shape. Now the other thing is that each piece that is in progress in metal is definitively subject to change as my jewellery project continues which is also why im choosing to do a lot of modelling after parts are complete.

The other thing i was able to do was create a design that i could saw out in accordance to the design of the metal which is this one right here

In creating this it is much easier with a set of of lines (Trim) and a fillet tool than trying to create it in real life on a piece of paper and getting it correct. 

The next issue that was encountered was how to create a shape that you could measure to create the 3D model and well its called tape and then cut it to the size of the plate of metal which is how the boxes on the sides of of the abovve shape which i really struggled with without some help.

The boxes had to be vertical and then using a function called flow and a little bit of orientation issues it finally worked and i was able to get that part of the design

This is the redone hinge in relation to the real one

I also remembered some of the commands from 2 years ago and you can make the hinge rotate perfectly its so beautiful to see in CAD.

And then the last thing i worked on was the gears. There are 2 different sizes but they are very close however they are from a broken drill so they move incredibly well so making sure to design them similarly in rhino was slightly difficult and took a couple trouble shoots to get them as close to the originals.

So this above is the failed design and the setup for it was incorrect as the Boolean did not complete for me because part of the item was improperly shaped and could not be completed  by the operation so i had to go back to the basic shape and completely redo the extruded curves

And Success. looks nice and its all one poly surface now it has to go into its proper spot which is the squares in the side of the hollow box.

Monday 22 October 2018

Reverse Engineering Part 1

Reverse Engineering Part 1

So In tackling the basic pieces for this project well i have to say im pleased at my progress, annoyed at my mistakes and glad im making some parts of this before im actually constructing in real life. I get to see my process that i need for creating in metal and honestly it is probably the most useful tool ever.

To preface the whole project i have to dull down some of the odd metal sizes and a few other things so that everything is managable and my measurments are made to easily fit together like for example. 16 gauge sheet is  1.27mm however it makes it much easier to say 1.25mm and then everything will function the same in regards to distances and what needs to go together to create proper distances and makes the math a little easier on myself.


Thursday 18 October 2018

Chosen Object For Reverse Engineering

Chosen Object for our First Real Assignment

So recently we have started a new project in Object Design that has a personal meaning to you that you can reverse engineer or pull apart and construct its pieces in Rhino. Now i definitely think i picked myself a challenge as i know my object isn't completed yet because its a jewellery project im in the middle of making.

This decision was founded on he fact that doing so is partially the point of this course as well as the object will be completed before this project is done, so i am simply constructing based on raw materials like sheet metal, brass rod, brass tube, steel rod, and then constructing it based on size and shape. 

Choosing to do this will also allow me to create an object that has moving parts and allows me to model and create in unison so that i have abetter understanding of my processes in relation to making in metal while also evaluating the differences between the metal and a computer where all dimensions and wrong turns and screw ups are avoided while still being part of the making process.

This project also includes gears and hinges and a few other things that have already been constructed that fulfill the requirements of mapping out this idea and correlating it back to this specific project  and how we are supposed to be informed about our process and decisions when deconstructing an object.

 So I only have drawings and raw materials for this proect so far so we shall see how this goes in comparison to the actual object.