Thursday 18 October 2018

Chosen Object For Reverse Engineering

Chosen Object for our First Real Assignment

So recently we have started a new project in Object Design that has a personal meaning to you that you can reverse engineer or pull apart and construct its pieces in Rhino. Now i definitely think i picked myself a challenge as i know my object isn't completed yet because its a jewellery project im in the middle of making.

This decision was founded on he fact that doing so is partially the point of this course as well as the object will be completed before this project is done, so i am simply constructing based on raw materials like sheet metal, brass rod, brass tube, steel rod, and then constructing it based on size and shape. 

Choosing to do this will also allow me to create an object that has moving parts and allows me to model and create in unison so that i have abetter understanding of my processes in relation to making in metal while also evaluating the differences between the metal and a computer where all dimensions and wrong turns and screw ups are avoided while still being part of the making process.

This project also includes gears and hinges and a few other things that have already been constructed that fulfill the requirements of mapping out this idea and correlating it back to this specific project  and how we are supposed to be informed about our process and decisions when deconstructing an object.

 So I only have drawings and raw materials for this proect so far so we shall see how this goes in comparison to the actual object.

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